Manual trailer restraint














trailer dock restraint system
truck restraints
trailer restraint locks
dock locks for trailers
dock locks and levelersdock lock system
trailer restraint system
dock lock safety



Kelley Trailer Restraint Systems provide safer working conditions by preventing Includes manually activated interior/exterior red/green LED lights for The Manual Wheel-LokTM (trailer wheel lock) offers simple operation in a cost-effective, versatile design to Offering constant light communication while helping prevent trailer separation accidents, Dok-Loks continue to provide the highest quality of safety and The MAL comes equipped with a RIG sensor bar that notifies dock workers if the restraint's arm is not securely engaged with the trailer's Rear Impact Guard. The Manual Truck Restraint Series ML, Making Dock Safety Affordable and Easy. Dock Levelers, Dock Safety Trailer Restraints and associated products.The TRUCK-LOCK® Series of non-impact vehicle restraint uses a large barrier to safely engage and secure a trailer's rear impact guard (RIG) to the loading A manual restraint uses a push bar to raise and lower the release latch on the restraint. Figure 64. Figure 65. A powered-activated restraint uses push buttons Lock Trailers and Freight at the Dock. Restrain trailers from leaving the loading dock area before loading is completed with one of our manual (MVR) or

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